
Edward Furlong


Born on August 2, 1977.
46 years old.

Edward Furlong

Which generation does Edward Furlong belong to?

Edward Furlong belongs to the Generation X demographic cohort.

"So he isn't a Millennial?!"

Edward Furlong does not belong to the Millennial generation. The Millennial generation started in 1980, which was 3 years after he was born (1977).
This means that he is actually Gen-X. Or the "MTV generation", as it is sometimes called.

What is he known for?

He portrayed John Connor in the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

Which star sign is Edward Furlong?

He is a Leo.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number is 7.

How tall is he?

Edward Furlong is about 5 ft 7 inches tall. That is 170 in cm or 1.70 in meters.

This means that he is slightly shorter than the average American male. However, he is still taller than the average woman.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 7 inches.

Related: Famous actors who are short.

What age will he be in 2024?

He will turn 47 years old in August of 2024.

When will Edward Furlong turn 50?

He will turn 50 years old on August 2, 2027. That's roughly 3 years and 2 months from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 50 in 2024.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Tuesday.

Other people who were born around August 2, 1977

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as Edward Furlong.

Pearse Doherty

Pearse Doherty

Irish politician
Born on July 6, 1977
Star Sign: Cancer

Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar

Born on July 12, 1977
Star Sign: Cancer

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Born on July 27, 1977
Star Sign: Leo

Tom Brady

Tom Brady

American Football player
Born on August 3, 1977
Star Sign: Leo

Thierry Henry

Thierry Henry

French soccer player
Born on August 17, 1977
Star Sign: Leo

RonReaco Lee

RonReaco Lee

Born on August 27, 1977
Star Sign: Virgo

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy

Born on August 31, 1977
Star Sign: Virgo

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Natasha Richardson

Natasha Richardson

English actress Deceased
Born on May 11, 1963
Height: 1.75m / 5 ft 9 inches

Deon Richmond

Deon Richmond

Born on June 2, 1978
Height: 1.75m / 5 ft 9 inches

Zac Efron

Zac Efron

Born on October 18, 1987
Height: 1.73m / 5 ft 8 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Melanie Iglesias

Melanie Iglesias

Born on June 18, 1987
Height: 1.69m / 5 ft 7 inches

Janis Joplin

Janis Joplin

Singer Deceased
Born on January 19, 1943
Height: 1.65m / 5 ft 5 inches



Born on December 25, 1971
Height: 1.68m / 5 ft 6 inches

Personality summary

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