
David Hasselhoff


Born on July 17, 1952.
71 years old.

David Hasselhoff

Which generation does David Hasselhoff belong to?

David Hasselhoff belongs to the Baby Boomer demographic cohort.

What is he known for?

He has starred in TV shows such as The Young and The Restless, Knight Rider and Baywatch.

Which star sign is David Hasselhoff?

He is a Cancer.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number is 5.

How tall is he?

David Hasselhoff is about 6 ft 4 inches tall. That is 193 in cm or 1.93 in meters.

This means that he is a lot taller than the average American man. In other words, he is tall enough to stick out in a crowd.

See also: Celebrities who are 6 ft 4 inches.

Related: Famous actors who are tall.

What age will he be in 2024?

He will turn 72 years old in July of 2024.

When will David Hasselhoff turn 80?

He will turn 80 years old on July 17, 2032. That's roughly 8 years and 2 months from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 80 in 2024.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Thursday.

Other people who were born around July 17, 1952

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as David Hasselhoff.

John Goodman

John Goodman

Born on June 20, 1952
Star Sign: Gemini

Louis Walsh

Louis Walsh

X Factor judge / Talent manager
Born on August 5, 1952
Star Sign: Leo

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Calvin Harris

Calvin Harris

Born on January 17, 1984
Height: 1.97m / 6 ft 6 inches

Ken Foree

Ken Foree

Born on February 29, 1948
Height: 1.96m / 6 ft 5 inches

Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden

Al-Qaeda Founder Deceased
Born on March 10, 1957
Height: 1.95m / 6 ft 5 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns

Born on May 25, 1985
Height: 1.91m / 6 ft 3 inches

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Born on December 18, 1964
Height: 1.88m / 6 ft 2 inches

Kimbo Slice

Kimbo Slice

MMA fighter Deceased
Born on February 8, 1974
Height: 1.88m / 6 ft 2 inches

Personality summary

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