
Eva Longoria


Born on March 15, 1975.
49 years old.

Eva Longoria

Which generation does Eva Longoria belong to?

Eva Longoria belongs to the Generation X demographic cohort.

What is she known for?

She is best known for playing the character Gabrielle Solis on the TV series Desperate Housewives.

Which star sign is Eva Longoria?

She is a Pisces.

Life Path Number

Her Life Path Number is 4.

How tall is she?

Eva Longoria is about 5 ft 2 inches tall. That is 157 in cm or 1.57 in meters.

This means that she is slightly shorter than the average American woman.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 2 inches.

Related: Famous actresses who are short.

What age will she be in 2024?

She turned 49 in March of 2024.

When will Eva Longoria turn 50?

She will turn 50 years old on March 15, 2025. That's only about 10 months from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 50 in 2024.

When is Eva Longoria's next birthday?

Her next birthday will be on March 15, 2025. On that date, she will turn 50.

What day of the week was she born on?

She was born on a Saturday.

She is a smoker

Our records indicate that Eva Longoria is a smoker. However, we cannot say for certain if she still does or not.
People can quit smoking and restart so many times that this kind of information is difficult to keep track of.

Other people who were born around March 15, 1975

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as Eva Longoria.

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

English media personality
Born on February 13, 1975
Star Sign: Aquarius

Gary Neville

Gary Neville

Former soccer player
Born on February 18, 1975
Star Sign: Aquarius

Brian Littrell

Brian Littrell

Backstreet Boys
Born on February 20, 1975
Star Sign: Pisces

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore

Born on February 22, 1975
Star Sign: Pisces

Born on March 15, 1975
Star Sign: Pisces



Wrestler Deceased
Born on March 17, 1975
Star Sign: Pisces

Melanie Blatt

Melanie Blatt

All Saints
Born on March 25, 1975
Star Sign: Aries



Born on March 27, 1975
Star Sign: Aries

Pedro Pascal

Pedro Pascal

Born on April 2, 1975
Star Sign: Aries

Zach Braff

Zach Braff

Born on April 6, 1975
Star Sign: Aries

David Harbour

David Harbour

Born on April 10, 1975
Star Sign: Aries

Anderson Silva

Anderson Silva

MMA fighter
Born on April 14, 1975
Star Sign: Aries

People who are the same height as Eva Longoria

Celebrities and other notable figures who are exactly the same height as her.

Cher Lloyd

Cher Lloyd

Born on July 28, 1993
Height: 1.57m / 5 ft 2 inches

Amy Jo Johnson

Amy Jo Johnson

Born on October 6, 1970
Height: 1.57m / 5 ft 2 inches

Annabella Sciorra

Annabella Sciorra

Born on March 29, 1960
Height: 1.57m / 5 ft 2 inches

People who are taller than her

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than her.

Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart

Actor / Comedian
Born on July 6, 1979
Height: 1.59m / 5 ft 3 inches

Brighton Sharbino

Brighton Sharbino

Born on August 19, 2002
Height: 1.62m / 5 ft 4 inches

Judy Reyes

Judy Reyes

Born on November 5, 1967
Height: 1.59m / 5 ft 3 inches

People who are shorter than her

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than her.

Avani Gregg

Avani Gregg

TikTok user
Born on November 23, 2002
Height: 1.54m / 5 ft 1 inches

Sophie Kasaei

Sophie Kasaei

TV personality
Born on November 8, 1989
Height: 1.55m / 5 ft 1 inches

Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie

TV personality
Born on September 21, 1981
Height: 1.55m / 5 ft 1 inches

Personality summary

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