
John Frusciante


Born on March 5, 1970.
54 years old.

John Frusciante

Which generation does John Frusciante belong to?

John Frusciante belongs to the Generation X demographic cohort.

"So he isn't a boomer?!"

John Frusciante is not a boomer. The boomer generation ended in 1964, whereas he was born 6 years later in 1970. This means that he is a part of Generation X.

Which star sign is John Frusciante?

He is a Pisces.

Life Path Number

His Life Path Number is 7.

How tall is he?

John Frusciante is about 5 ft 8 inches tall. That is 173 in cm or 1.73 in meters.

This means that he is slightly shorter than the average American male. However, he is still taller than the average woman.

See also: Celebrities who are 5 ft 8 inches.

What age will he be in 2024?

He turned 54 in March of 2024.

When will John Frusciante turn 60?

He will turn 60 years old on March 5, 2030. That's roughly 5 years and 9 months from now.

Celebrities that will be turning 60 in 2024.

When is John Frusciante's next birthday?

His next birthday will be on March 5, 2025. On that date, he will turn 55.

What day of the week was he born on?

He was born on a Thursday.

Other people who were born around March 5, 1970

Celebrities and other notable figures who are roughly the same age as John Frusciante.

Simon Pegg

Simon Pegg

Born on February 14, 1970
Star Sign: Aquarius

Lisa Robin Kelly

Lisa Robin Kelly

Actress Deceased
Born on March 5, 1970
Star Sign: Pisces

Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah

Born on March 18, 1970
Star Sign: Pisces

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey

Born on March 27, 1970
Star Sign: Aries

Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn

Born on March 28, 1970
Star Sign: Aries

People who are taller than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly taller than him.

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer

British politician
Born on September 2, 1962
Height: 1.74m / 5 ft 9 inches

Rick Astley

Rick Astley

Born on February 6, 1966
Height: 1.78m / 5 ft 10 inches

Olly Murs

Olly Murs

Born on May 14, 1984
Height: 1.75m / 5 ft 9 inches

People who are shorter than him

Celebrities and other figures who are slightly shorter than him.

Phil Foden

Phil Foden

Soccer player
Born on May 28, 2000
Height: 1.71m / 5 ft 7 inches

Lisa Robin Kelly

Lisa Robin Kelly

Actress Deceased
Born on March 5, 1970
Height: 1.70m / 5 ft 7 inches

Cassie Ventura

Cassie Ventura

Born on August 26, 1986
Height: 1.69m / 5 ft 7 inches

Personality summary

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