
Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly

Relationship facts

They have been dating since May 2020. They have been together for 4 years.

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly

When did Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly start dating?

They started dating in May 2020. That was 4 years ago.


They met while they were filming the crime thriller "Midnight in the Switchgrass". In May 2020, Fox appeared as Kelly's lover in his music video for "Bloody Valentine". One month later, they were spotted kissing in public.

Public knowledge

Their relationship became public knowledge on June 16, 2020.

How old were they when they got together?

Fox was 34 years old and Baker was 30.

Age gap

Megan Fox is 3 years older than Machine Gun Kelly.

That is slightly above the average age gap in relationships (2.3 years). However, it won't raise any eyebrows.

Height difference

Baker is roughly 11 inches taller than Fox. He is 6 feet 4 inches (1.92m) tall, whereas she is 5 feet 4 inches (1.63m).

Note that your perception of someone's height can be skewed by their hairstyle, footwear (heels), clothing, body fat, posture, etc.

How long have they been together?

They have been together for 4 years in total.

Star signs

They both have the zodiac sign Taurus.

When did they get engaged?

They got engaged on January 12, 2022, which was 2 years ago.

How long were Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox dating before they became engaged?

They dated for 1 year and 7 months before they became engaged.


Check out their individual profiles for more facts:

Megan Fox

Megan Fox

American actress
Born on May 16, 1986

She is now 38.

Machine Gun Kelly

Machine Gun Kelly

Born on April 22, 1990

He is now 34.